On February 11th we launched the Tri-Dosha Line!

A line composed of 3 body oils, inspired by Ayurveda. This line aims to be a self-care tool to include in our daily routine in order to provide a moment of well-being and self-observation, essential to our balance.

Each of the oils was developed taking into account the special characteristics of each dosha. We all have the 3 doshas in our constitution, as Carolina explains to us, but, due to different circumstances, each one of us has, as a rule, in a more accentuated way the characteristics of one or two doshas.

But what are the doshas?

A Carolina Nepomuceno , Ayurveda therapist, gives us some answers:

“Usually when we hear about ayurveda the question that arises immediately and with great curiosity is: “What is my dosha ?”

I will address this question very briefly, trying to simplify the complexity behind this answer.

What we really want to know is our constitution, Prakriti ! At the time of conception there are several factors that influence our constitution, as well as our mother's entire pregnancy process. We are all made up of the three doshas , ​​each of us differently, we are unique beings and that's what makes everything so interesting. In a way, we are putting ourselves in “little boxes” when we try to characterize ourselves with a dosha , because two people with greater predominance of the same dosha may have different needs.

We know that maintaining a good daily routine promotes our well-being. Good nutrition, adequate exercise and a good sleep routine are three important factors that contribute to our balance. A bad routine combined, for example, with a stressful day-to-day life or poorly digested meals, promotes the accumulation of toxins in our body. It is, therefore, important that we pay attention to our imbalance, Vikriti , and observe how we are doing and what habits/care we should have.

I leave a brief description of the characteristics of each dosha :

vata – thin frame, small and usually dark eyes, low weight/difficulty gaining weight, dry skin and hair, cold hands and feet, light sleeper, variable appetite, fast speech, creative, flexible, impulsive, learns and forgets quickly…

pitta – average build and weight, fine hair with a tendency to gray, skin prone to freckles and moles, medium-set and piercing eyes, moderate sleep, good appetite, easy sweating, organized, easily irritable with hunger, frontal, concentrated, perfectionists…

kapha – broad frame, strong hair, large eyes, oily skin and hair, with stamina, moderate appetite, calm voice, long and deep sleep, calm, spare, affectionate, patient, can take time to learn new concepts…

We often present characteristics of different dosha . Physical characteristics are the ones that most easily remain identical throughout our lives, but even these can change and "camouflage" our constitution. One way to understand if we have distanced ourselves from our essence is to look at our photographs of babies and children.”

How do I know which oil is best for me?

In addition to physical characteristics, each dosha has its own emotional characteristics that are related to the elements that govern each one, like this:

Vata , governed by the element ether and air, is the king of movement, with a tendency to excessive thoughts and accelerated speech, variable mood and irregular sleep, it can easily develop states of anxiety, nervousness and worry. Bearing these characteristics in mind, the oil LAVENDER it is the one that is best suited to use when Vata characteristics are exacerbated, with lavender oil, geranium and patchouli, it induces calm, reduces anxiety and promotes well-being and good humor.

Pitta, governed by the element of fire, is the king of transformation, determined, intense and emotional with a “fiery” temperament, prone to fits of rage and aggressiveness out of balance, they benefit from a smooth oil, with a fresh and fruity aroma, such as CITRUS .

Kapha , governed by the earth element, is the king of stability, they are normally calm, stable individuals, they do not like changes, in imbalance they can suffer from some lethargy and sedentary lifestyle, they benefit from the warm and invigorating aromas, such as those of Cinnamon and Ginger present in oil CINNAMOMUM.

Thus, the oil must be chosen according to the emotional state they are in at the moment, which usually corresponds to the dosha that is out of balance. Another way is to select the aroma that you identify with the most and that makes you feel good. This self-observation exercise and a self-massage routine are fundamental in promoting daily well-being.

If you want to delve a little deeper into the topic, I recommend you visit the website where you can find more information about Ayurveda.

Sandra Martins

CEO & Founder SM Cosmetology

Aromatherapist by IPN

Postgraduate in Cosmetology by FFUL

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